Upcoming Events

Rainbow Railroad-If you’re interested in providing a short term community for LGBTQIA refugees fleeing persecution, please let Pastor Lindsey know. 

Serve on a ministry team! We are currently building out our ministry teams for our program year. Let Pastor Lindsey know if you want to serve in the Children's Ministry, Solidarity, Stewardship, Building and Facilities, Hospitality and Connection, and Worship.

Interested in joining a small group or getting more involved at Grace? Let Pastor Lindsey know: lindsey@northsideco-op.org. We are currently offering two small groups:

The Parlor is located in the basement of Grace Church and is a free store for organizations in Chicago who need supplies. Trash People have worked with various community organizations to collect donated clothing and other essential items and distribute them to new migrants and other neighbors that need our support. They collect a variety of items, including clothes, shoes, old medicine containers, school supplies and a whole lot more, depending on the season. Grace Church is proud to host The Parlor in its building, and would love your donations! Please see https://linktr.ee/trashpeople to sign up to drop off your stuff. Please do not drop off (without signing up) during church service (they are a non-profit and need to keep tabs on donation stats). You can also follow them on instagram at @theparlorchicago and please consider volunteering!