Upcoming Events

Families with children are encouraged to join us on the third Sundays of each month. Our third Sunday worship is geared toward children and there will be a time of programming specifically for them.

Interested in joining a small group or getting more involved at Grace? Let Pastor Lindsey know: lindsey@northsideco-op.org

Looking ahead: We are currently forming three small group opportunities:

Dream Interpretation with Eugene Shiver: Expanded Conversations about Faith with Sarah Zera: This group will meet the 3rd Monday of the month at Unity Park, reach out to Sarah Zera to be connected: sarahmzera@gmail.com

Parent’s meet up with Caitlin Closser and Pastor Lindsey: Join us for our first meet up at Unity Park following service on May 19th! To get connected reach out to Caitlin Closser: caitlin.closser@gmail.com

We’ll have more details in a few weeks, but in the meantime, feel free to reach out to any facilitator to be kept in the loop!

Simplified Accountability Structure Informational Sessions-All United Methodist Churches are being invited to replaces the traditional committee structure of the UMC with a simpler, more streamlined and more accountable structure. We will have two hybrid informational sessions:

May 18th 10am at Ravenswood Fellowship (and on zoom)

May 25th 10am at United Church of Rogers Park (and on zoom)

Coffee Hour: Sign up to host fellowship time! We will have a shared time of fellowship with St Luke’s following worship.  Sign up on the white board in the kitchen to bring a snack and help with cleanup.