Rev. Hope Chernich and Rev. Lindsey Long Joyce
Rev. Hope Chernich and Rev. Lindsey Long Joyce, have been appointed to a pastoral team that has care over four churches: United Church of Rogers Park, Big Shoulders Church, and Grace Church of Logan Square. Both members of the team share many basic responsibilities such as preaching, pastoral care, visioning, planning and relationship building. However, each member has their own passions and specializations. Rev. Hope oversees the ministries of administration, finance and spiritual development of the congregations and Rev. Lindsey oversees outreach and justice ministries on the large scale (conference and city-wide) as well as worship and community organizing.
Pastor Hope Chernich serves in ministry on the North Side of Chicago. As a part of the pastoral team her ministry focuses on organizational processes and administrative sustainability.
Pastor Hope received a Master’s Degree in Organizational Leadership from Lourdes College and a Master's of Divinity from Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary. She is trained in conflict resolution, mediation, cultural diversity and appreciative inquiry. Her passion is to provide support to churches that is both strategic and spiritual.
Rev. Lindsey lives in Andersonville with her husband, Adam and daughters, Harper & Emma. She enjoys singing bluegrass, running and coffee.
Leslie Martinez, Administrative Assistant
You can reach Leslie at the church email address: