The Table @ Grace


Meets Every Other Wednesday @630p

(See below for dates)

Welcome to The Table@Grace. We’re glad you’re here.

A couple years ago, we saw the need for a new way to reach people in the Logan Square community, a need for us to think outside the Sunday morning box. We joined together a carefully selected group of people and put that thought in motion. After a year of exploration, deliberation, and reflection, the idea of The Table@Grace arose.

Think of The Table@Grace as a simplified version of church, a nod to the early Christian community. Every other Wednesday evening, we meet to reflect, listen, and share a meal. The evening is divided into three parts: a reading/reflection/song, a featured speaker from the community, and dinner. Speakers are invited for their unique perspectives on living out their faith in new and bold ways, exhibiting faith in unexpected places. All meals are vegetarian friendly and gluten-free. We encourage asking questions and airing doubts, and hope you’ll find this time to be nourishing to your soul. 

Sound like something you’d like to be a part of? Join us. All are welcome, judgment-free. Hope to see you there.